Yasodhara Ashram Blog & Podcast

Spring: Season of Renewal & New Growth
March 20 – the official first day of spring. Visions of flowers blooming, tender leaves unfolding, bees buried in dandelions and winter coats stored away until next November. The reality for many of us, though, is that we are far

The Gift of Presence—An Act of Love
An exploration of how being present for ourselves and others is the most precious gift we can give. Understanding Love: I See You Standing in Tadasana (the Mountain pose) this morning, the words ‘gift of presence’ come to mind. I

Facing Transitions: Finding Light in Endings and New Beginnings
The clouds lift on this clear cold winter day and I am awed by the sight of luminous mountains with snow crisp edges touching the sky. It’s as if the mountains have regained speech and are stating: We are here.

From the Mundane to the Extraordinary- A Path of Glowing Gems
Subtle Energies There was a little card in one of the Ashram classrooms that had an image of Krishna playing the flute, his body gently curved. The text said “Keep thy Mind fixed on Me.” That little card has been

Beauty. Yes! Wow! Thanks!
Carrying two red onions just pulled from the garden soil, I squatted at the compost to wash them. Mired in grumpy thoughts, I hardly noticed peeling back the outer layers, feeling wronged in a situation, reviewing the ways how and

Planting Peace: Relaxation and Personal Blossoming
I recently went through the process of researching, planning and planting an Indigenous plant garden. All of the plants selected are native to this region and support specific butterflies and wild bumblebees, including an eco-regional milkweed plant to help bring

Lifting to the Light: Notes from an Artist’s Journey
For more of an interactive experience, feel free to read while listening to Silver’s rendition of Om Namah Shivaya Prayer Always a dreamer Setting out quietly, often at dusk, basking in the companionship of the horse, in the serene magnificence

Following Crane: The Gift of Stillness in My Day
A few years ago I was given a beautiful Japanese tapestry with white cranes flowing throughout it, their wings spread wide. For me these cranes have come to symbolize messengers who fly between the worlds—the world of dreams and the

Podcast #15 My Time With Radha
In this episode of My Time with Radha, Katie Taher engages in a conversation with Draupadi, a devoted follower of Swami Radha. They explore the power of curiosity…

The Wisdom of Insecurity: The Space Between Two Worlds
In 2017, I was in Portland when I experienced fall for the first time. I remember sitting by the window of a cafe, looking at a tree perched on what seemed like a sea of golden leaves. With every breeze

Podcast #12 Prakasha on Light, Yoga & Science
In this episode of My Time with Radha, Katie Taher speaks with Prakasha, a longtime devotee of Swami Radha. He intersects science and spirituality as they explore the theme of Light. Swami Radha encouraged humility in Prakasha to balance the intellect and

Baby Girl and the Heartstone
Before you begin reading, will you pause to look around? Let your head and neck turn from side to side, and notice where you are – the colors, the shapes, the shadows. Give your body time to find and feel

Podcast 11
In this episode Swami Lalitananda interviews Natasa Sljuka, an employment counselor with Immigrant Services Society in Nelson, BC.Natasa lived through the Bosnian war and immigrated to Canada in 1997. She describes the emotional and physical upheaval of being immersed in

Whispers from The Garden – Eldering and Social Change
Spend some time in a garden in winter and you’ll find it’s a very quiet place, resting, waiting. And who doesn’t love a garden in spring? Everything so tidy and organized, seeds planted, rapid growth, early offerings, so full of

Podcast #10
In this episode of My Time with Radha, Katie Taher speaks with Swami Matananda and Swami Premananda. They discuss the theme of love and the importance of care, consideration and independence in relationships. Swami Radha played an essential role not

Stepping Out Of The Classroom
My first experience as a teacher was in a two-room school in Lillooet, B.C. I stood at the front of the class and asked the children to sit up. The whole class as one entity immediately sat up very straight.

Podcast # 9
In our first podcast of 2024, Katie Taher sits down with Swami RadhaTarananda, long-time Ashram teacher and resident. They discuss the power of movement and dance as well as Swami RadhaTarananda’s moments with Swami Radha who met and supported her

Seeds of Possibility
How can one go further without welcoming Winter, knowing it will be cold and have an element of desolationbut also sensing the beauty of this bareness?-Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee Grief into Growth During one of my darkest periods, I left a well-paying,

Podcast #8
“Faith can be cultivated and increased by practicing devotion because devotion gives purification. Devotion is a selfless act. It cultivates the emotions towards sincerity, true giving and selflessness.” – Swami Radha In this episode, Katie Taher interviews Swami Lalitananda, current

God Took Away My Hearing So I Could Hear Him More
I was born profoundly deaf, despite being an otherwise healthy baby with no medical issues or history of deafness in the family. Until I was 16 years old when I had a cochlear implant surgically inserted, my world consisted of

Podcast #7
“Grave situations make us think more deeply about our lives and what we can do to achieve peace.” Swami RadhanandaIn this episode, Katie Taher interviews Swami Sukhananda, a long-time resident and teacher at the Ashram. She discusses what it is

Divine Wild
The land is calling us back. She needs us to return to her and to ourselves—our truest, wild and wisest selves. I can feel her healing heartsong, thrumming in the centre of my chest. After almost two years of traversing

Podcast #6
In this episode, Katie Taher interviews Swami Samayananda, a long-time resident and teacher at the Ashram. She discusses the difference between knowledge and wisdom. She reflects back on her relationship with Swami Radha. Samayananda had an implicit trust in Swami

The Garden, the Practice, the Way – One Taste
Standing in the garden, lulled by the hum of insects intent on collecting nectar while they still can, I’m enjoying the soft warmth of an autumn sun. The season has clearly shifted from languid long days of summer to cool

Meaningful Lives Episode 2
In this episode Swami Lalitananda interviews Candace Batycki, a conservation advocate for more than 30 years, specializing in protecting ecosystems for threatened and endangered wildlife, and caribou in particular. She served as the BC and Yukon Program Director for the

Animation & Salvation – Ego Reconstitution & Redemption
While weeding the carrots last week I was amazed at the tenacity of hoary alyssum, and yet I am equally as perplexed by the intricate layers of my ego, after some serious dismantling. When I awoke paralyzed in ICU after

Podcast #5
In this episode Katie Taher interviews Swami Sivananda, long-time Ashram teacher and Swami Radha’s personal driver, student and friend. He talks about searching for a teacher to clarify the teachings from the east and through a flyer for a workshop

Feather from Sue – Lightening the Weight of Grief
Surprises come in many guises. Sometimes even shocking the nervous system with disbelief — no this can’t be true, I only saw her 3 months ago and she was fine then…. Reality takes many different forms. Could this be true?

Meaningful Lives Podcast Episode 1
Welcome to our new podcast series hosted by Swami Lalitananda, Meaningful Lives. Over the next months, she will be talking with people from diverse backgrounds who are driven by an inner calling and give back to life in various rich

Bridging Traditions—First Nations Meets Yoga
I have been thinking about the question of who am I? When I first came to the Ashram, I was looking for something better. I didn’t know anything about yoga. I began to relearn a lot of things and this

Podcast #4
Katie Taher sits down with Devi and discusses her time with Swami Radha and the theme of commitment. Devi reflects on how Swami Radha challenged her and was able to break down her defenses – knowing exactly what she needed.

The Trampled Flower Resurrection: A Story of Healing
Prologue: Once upon a time there was a gentle flower who came to be in an endless green meadow by a shimmering river between two majestic mountains. Though the flower was very beautiful, it had particularly delicate petals that could

Podcast #3
Our third podcast is an insightful conversation hosted by Katie Taher, this time with long time Yasodhara Yoga teacher Tara Huston. In the 70s, Tara and several other women (names you will know) started a women’s centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Deconstructing and Rebuilding Inner and Outer Worlds
The snow capped mountains greet me today, inviting a call to stillness. As I look upwards to the peaks, I have a sense of lifting above the day-to-day of Ashram life—to a place that brings a bigger perspective. A place

Podcast #2
Our second podcast is another wonderful conversation hosted by Katie Taher, this time with senior Ashram teacher Swami Satyananda. They discuss Swami Satyananda’s beginnings at the Ashram and her interactions with Swami Radha who she remembers as a fierce yet

The Gift of Madness: offering compassion in a crazy world
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” -“The Uses of Sorrow” by Mary Oliver It was a dreary June evening in Sudbury, Ontario, and

Podcast #1
We are excited to launch our new Yasodhara Ashram Podcast for our 60th year! Today we hear from Swami Jyotihananda discuss her time with a great woman – Swami Radha. We have been considering this idea for sometime now but

Where Do You Go In A Crisis?
This spring, my wife Molly and I are moving back to the Ashram. It’s been a long timecoming and I feel like I am holding my breath waiting. We plan to go for a year but for me, it’s less

The Power of Receiving and Offering Light
This winter morning I chant my mantra in darkness lit only by a small altar light reflecting on the image of Tara, bodhisattva of compassion. Her golden body shines in the intricate inner heaven of the shrine. She smiles a