Dancing in the Light
Over twenty years ago, Swami Radhananda taught me the dance of the Divine Mother. It was during a wonderful 10-day Life Seals retreat that she led in Canterbury, England. What a wonderful, transformational time we had in her quiet, inspirational and warm presence, illuminated with her smile, humour and humility and her devotion to the teachings of Swami Radha. I am still dancing in the Light as, I’m sure, is she. Bless you Swami Radhananda. ♥️🙏♥️
Jacqueline Young
What a gift!
What a gift to be a part of the Ashram community and to have the support of the light and the teachings. It was so special to watch the celebration of life video and feel the joy and connection and gratitude. I am so appreciative of the time I spent at the Ashram and for Swami Radhananda and all the teachers for setting such a beautiful, loving and light-filled example of living our purpose and walking in the light. Light light light. Om Om Om.
Paula Richardson
I first met Swami Radhananda at Radha House in Vancouver many years ago. I attended a Straight Walk class with an anxious mind and my walk turned out to be very wobbly. At one point during the process she advised “come to the Ashram and you will learn about your mind”. Shortly afterwards, I took up her challenge and enrolled in the YDC, which turned out to be a transformative experience in many ways.
I am deeply grateful to have connected with Swami Radhanada and often reflect on her words of advice.
Swami Radhananda possessed all the qualities of an outstanding spiritual teacher; remarkable wisdom, piercing insight, steadfast integrity, sincere compassion and the skillful means to engage at the deepest level of being. She was a true messenger of Light.
Tony Humphries
My experience in 2000 was and remains very clear of her razor sharp vision and attention when she was our teacher. My room mate was afraid of her. I was not, but observed her focus when she would ask a question of someone reading “their paper “. The questions were always to the heart of the real story not the muddy wandering that those papers so often could be. Her direct vision when her eyes focused on me? She saw my soul, the struggle l was going through to find the light. Birth was the three months l was there and it was very difficult. The final step, the rose ceremony and l truly felt love and more for this spirit that l bowed down to. But then l was told by a resident before leaving that l should go to her house to say good bye. Alone. And I did not want to. She was a respected teacher but that did not mean I was comfortable with her. Struggle and more as l finally followed this directive. She told my class, “ the question the gift, the answer only Important to you. She asked the hard questions.
Heather Stephen
Inspiring Presence
There is a space I inhabit within.
A dark, cool quiet lake.
And when the clear, crisp light of the full moon
quivers a silver stream shimmering
we are together.
Radha Bliss 🌀💙♾
It is here that All awareness settles around one point of focus.
Devotion with Her.
Swami Radhananda taught me how to recognize this space.
She taught me that words have power,
how to hold space and allow inspiration with each word, each thought.
“The Devi of Speech is with us” she said.
“Together we dance and inspire one another.”
This is Her gift of living presence embodied within me now.
thank you Radhananda
thank you LOVE
karunaa peace peace peace

Abundant Generosity!
When I first read “Carried by a Promise” I was touched by the ordinariness of how it all began. The vulnerabilities and questioning, not just at the beginning, but throughout. The humble self-evaluations and the honourable efforts to change and grow. Ever-present was the search for Light, the Light found and treasured, the Light shared with all. I too feel I am carried. Carried by curiosity and my on-going “C” diet: complementing, character, co-operation, cultivating consciousness.
In fall 2019, she invited me to sit in her garden and share a piece of plum cake. We spoke of whiskey. Miraculously, my evening Satsang talk wrote itself.
Swami Radhananda was abundant in her giving. And so there was abundance all around. Namaste.
Betty (Monika) Harmathy

Gathering to remember Swami Radhananda
The Spokane Yasodhara Yoga group gathered on Wednesday, September 8th at our beautiful center to share our memories and stories of Swami Radhananda, chant mantra and invoke the Light in honor our lineage, and enjoy light refreshments. It was a beautiful time together, full of gratitude, love and Light. [Pictured from left to right: Deborah Cano, Amanda Geroux, Gayle Swagerty, Swami Yasodananda, Sheila Thomsen, Faith Hayflich, and Parvati.]
Spokane YY Group
Swami Radhananda – Gratitude
Swami Radhananda has been my inspiration in learning and sharing the Divine Light Invocation since 2006 YDC. She led us with such grace and softness sharing the knowledge as Swami Radha’s legacy lives on. Forever grateful for her teachings and her love for all. Hari Om
Spokane YY Group
Her Strength
Her Dedication. Her Leadership. Her Fierce Intuition in Service of Her Guru’s Vision. Thank you. You. Her. Beautiful within & without. Creator of Beauty. Champion of Children. Humble initiator, surrendered advocate, lifter of other humans, purveyor of Grace. See you soon!
A sacred presence
Swami Radhananda was — and continues to be — such a figure of reverence at the Ashram. We never exchanged many words, but she always had an assuring gaze and smile when I walked past her — and she was always caught up with what I was up to in life when we did speak. I feel so blessed to remember how active she was as a teacher during my YDC in 2004 — leading classes, giving several satsang talks and guiding the teachers every day. But perhaps my most precious memory is the blessing she and the other swamis gave my infant daughter, Olivia, who turns six years old tomorrow. Such a precious and sweet moment for our family.
Niall McKenna