Legacy giving: A gift of a lifetime!

Although you may not have realized it, your experience at the Yasodhara Ashram was supported by the generosity of many people who came before you. We are hoping you will become part of that wonderful stream of generosity and support those who come after you.

By leaving the ashram a legacy gift in your will, you can demonstrate your sacred intention to support the spiritual development of others. For generations to come, your gift will help us maintain the ashram as a spiritual home for our guests and residents. As they undertake life-changing inner work, your gift will be always be present, providing tangible support and encouragement.

We can all feel the generous spirit of our donors shining through in everything we do at the Ashram. It lifts our hearts and our work. Please join us in making a gift of a lifetime.

For questions or if you would like more information, please contact Swami Samayananda.

Thank you!

Hear how others are fulfilling their legacy giving:

Carol Putnam and Silver Frith, Yasodhara Yoga teachers in Halifax, talk about their decision to name the Ashram in their wills.

Click here to watch the full size video

Click here to watch the full size video


“The Ashram is close to my heart. It has been for me a place of learning and growth, a respite from the turbulent life of the world, a haven of peace, beauty and tranquility. Swami Radha’s Teachings have inspired me to always seek the highest in myself and have given my life new meaning and true purpose. I have witnessed those who have come from far and wide – people of all ages, all cultures, all walks of life – also experience the transformative power of the gifts the Ashram offers.”

“I have included the Ashram in my will as a small token of my immense gratitude for all I have received from the power and the enduring truth of the Teachings. It is my hope that this donation will support this work so that it may carry on through future generations.”

“I have been welcomed many times by the Ashram and its residents, as a guest, as a student and as Karma yogi, and each time I have felt as though I was being welcomed home. Through the teachings and practices, I have learned to cultivate the Light within myself. The benefit that I have gained from the Ashram is immeasurable. I am so grateful to the people who have dedicated themselves to cultivating the Light in this special place for the benefit of others.”

“We recently learned that even though we have a young child, there are places within our estate plan where we can name the Ashram as beneficiary. I am happy that our gift can support the important work at the Ashram.”

Sample Bequest Language

If you are in the process of preparing your will, it is simple to include the Ashram as a beneficiary.

“I give _______________________(include gift details) to The Yasodhara Ashram Society, charitable registration number 11930-5654 RR0001.”

If you already have a will, the easiest way to add a bequest is to include a codicil — a simple document prepared by your legal advisor that adds a new bequest while reaffirming the other terms of your will. Your will does not need to be rewritten.

Whether creating your will or adding on to your existing one, you will need to include this information:

  • Yasodhara Ashram Society (as the beneficiary)
  • charitable registration number 11930-5654 RR0001