Come Close

Come closer, she whispersSomething in me rises to lean into her. Come closer, to who I am becoming,what I am learning, what I Know. Come closer, and I lean into Generosity,Humility, Practicality, Devotion, andCompassion practiced with a scalpel’s precisionfor what is unnecessary on the journey. Come closer, feel the ineffable Joyin Letting Go and Joyful […]
Memories of You
Visits in your kitchenMy first knowing of my love for youI’m young and I want life to be differentLive my life, embrace my life, you tell meYou teach me by your exampleYou support me to take next stepsBack to school and we are togetherWeekly classes, Satsangs, Rose CeremoniesTea at your orange table, sometimes joyous, sometimes […]
Meeting my Guru

The first time that I met Swami Radhananda was at Pakefield doing a Retreat with two other colleagues in 2009. She did not speak much, which contrasted with my Portuguese yoga teacher that made long talks in her retreats. This contrast made me feel uneasy in the beginning. However, the reflections that came to me […]
Watch your Mind
There was great anticipation in the room while the YDC’ers of 2007 pulled out notebooks and carbon paper and pens in preparation for our first class with Swami Radhananda. She strode in quietly, but firmly. Sat, with no introduction, pre-amble or context, and said, simply, “Watch your mind”.Once the shuffle of paper and people subsided […]
She Did It!
She did it,Through LoveWith Love.She lived the Practice.Taking the esoteric TeachingsMaking them accessible, livable, do-able. A life infused with Light.Devotion and gratitudeAt its core. I am foreverIndebtedAndInspiredto followHer into Light. Why not?She showed the Way.She provided the real life example.The how-to. A Light-infused Life.To HerI bow in gratitude, wonder and awe. Swami Radhatarananda
From Mary-Ann to Swami Radhananda
My memories are often about observing this transformation. I remember in the 70’s sitting in main house at a picnic table with Susan, Russell, and Mary-Ann just arrived in their orange van from Lethbridge. Another memory is in a workshop with Swami Radha at Many Mansions – a group of teachers. Swami Radha points out […]
A memory
I wondered if Swami Radhananda picked up thoughts. It was at an annual AGM and Swami Radhananda had been speaking of the Ashram and was asking for people to come up to the front and make a contribution as to what the Ashram meant to them. There wasn’t an immediate response and I was thinking […]
Continuing Connections
I first met Swami Radhananda about 18 months after Swami Radha’s death, when she was quite new in her role heading up the ashram and overall community. It was all new to me, and I remember trying to figure it all out – the teachings, the ashram, the community in the snow in the mountains […]
My friend – memories
I met Mary-Ann when she was a loving and devoted mother of two young children, always smiling and laughing. We went though some sad times together but it resulted in her conviction that there was another path waiting for her. Mary-Ann was a mover and shaker. She was a political activist, willing to discuss the […]
Remembering Swami Radhananda

Swami Radhananda’s clear Commitment to her own personal growth, to living the Teachings on a daily basis, to discovering who she is within her challenges, her triumphs, her losses, her responsibilities to being the Lineage Holder, all inspire me. She more than earned her wings on January 28, 2021. As our Ancestor her example continues […]