2021 YDC Experience

The YDC was a gift to myself. The time and space to work on the flexibility of my body, my mind and my spirit, in unison and balance. Finding compassion for myself and all the learning I have gone through in life. Taking ownership of my experiences and discovering gratitude for the lessons they contain. […]

The YDC was my 70th birthday present to myself. I discovered YDC in 2016 when I was serving as a karma yogi and as I watched the transformation of that YDC, I was inspired. I had spent many years studying and practising yoga in all its forms but what I realized watching that class’ journey […]
YDC Reflections

I came to YDC after finishing a degree knowing I needed a balance of learning in life before going on to a Masters. What I found was a spiritual home and a place that supports me. I learned that this mind can work and create in ways I didn’t know where there, and that I […]
A mirror on the spiritual path

The Yoga Development Course is like no other. The Ashram’s approach is to support every person find their own unique way in life. There is no dogma, no easy answers provided – the mirror was always turned back on me. No other course I have taken allowed me to have such a deep look at […]
Going Deep, Finding Who You Are

The YDC was a life changer for me. I arrived sight unseen in January 2016 and left with deep roots to the teachings, practices and the Ashram community. It was only after I returned home, that I realized I had found my spiritual home on earth. Moving through the YDC opened me to my blind […]
Deeply restorative

Such sweet salve it was to immerse myself in the teachings, supported by the community, held by the beauty of the Ashram and inspired by fellow classmates. Deeply restorative yet also genuinely challenging, the Yoga Development Course allowed me to reconnect with parts of myself that I lost sight of, being ever busy and always […]
Give yourself a spiritual forever gift.

The YDC is a life changer. In 1987 and again in 2004 I participated in these life-changing events. The Teachings of Swami Radha are timeless and from the beginning I recognized deep within me how much I resonated with them. I accepted the hard work of surrender as old images faded and were replaced by […]
A Foundation for My Path

Joining the YDC in 2007, I was a confused 24 year old with little direction in life. I happened to find out about Yasodhara doing an online search and a voice inside told me I needed to go. Not only did Yasodhara not meet my expectations (I thought we were going to do hot yoga!?), […]
Listening and Sharing

Some of my deepest moments of learning have come in group reflection. Listening to people share their thoughts, emotions and challenges, I’m continually reminded that I’m not alone on this path to understand pain and explore my purpose. My best self isn’t brought out in solitude, but in service and connection with others. Jamieson Child
Courageous Connection

Through the process of going inward, I have gained intimate knowledge of many parts of myself, and in sharing my experience with others in this supportive community, I’ve recognized the universality of our human experience. The practices, teachers, and community have allowed me to courageously connect with myself and others in ways that are freeing, […]