
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Favorite Places at the Ashram
Our resident Francesca Cogorno asked people staying at the Ashram what were their favorite places around the Ashram. From the beach, to the prayer rooms, there are many special places to reflect, be and to call sacred. Read more »

2020 Garden/Orchard – Harvest of Gratitude
We are finishing the harvest of our garden and orchard for 2020 and are grateful for the bounty of the earth. See what the garden means to us and how we learn from it. Read more »

Generating Waves of Light with Swami Lalitananda
Description: Swami Lalitananda discusses the themes of waves and holding each other in the Light. As the wave of the dark season rolls in, how do we bring in the Light for ourselves, what brings us joy and calm? She … Read more » Read more »

Perseverance Song by Pat Lambdin
This song came out of my work as a music therapist with a group of adults struggling with mental illness. The word perseverance was brought forth by one member of the group after I asked if anyone... Read more »

Canned Green Tomato Salsa
Ingredients 8 lb green tomatoes (approximately 16 cups chopped) 6 large onions 3 sweet red peppers 6 garlic cloves, minced 1 cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped 1/2 cup of salt 1/2 tablespoon black pepper 3 cups vinegar 1 cup lime … Read more » Read more »

Coming Home: Sacred People, Sacred Land
On the last day of August, we joyfully welcomed Swami Radhananda/Mary-Ann back to her home here at the Ashram. Swami Radhananda was the president and spiritual director of Yasodhara Ashram for 21 years, and she has been working with the … Read more » Read more »

Saraswati with Swami Satyananda and Friends
Swami Satyananda reveals the language of the heart as she discusses the power of Saraswati: the goddess of wisdom, speech, learning, the arts – the focus of our teachings here at the Ashram. She relates how she moved into her … Read more » Read more »

2019 Annual Review
President’s Message, Swami Lalitananda Our 2019 Annual Review is complete and we offer you our reflections and insights from the previous year. Looking at 2019 from the perspective of spring 2020 and the pandemic is like looking back at another … Read more » Read more »

Polishing the Diamond Satsang with Swami Matananda
Swami Matananda re-introduces an archival video with Swami Radhananda, successor to Swami Radha and our president for 20 years. A key message is: Pressure creates a polished diamond. Swami Matananda explores how this time of added pressure during COVID can … Read more » Read more »

The Light of Understanding with Swami Jyotihananda
Swami Jyotihananda lives up to her name in this Light-filled satsang! (Jyoti = light in sanskrit). Through her blend of personal stories and tributes to her guru Swami Radha, she reminds us of the power available to heal and evolve. … Read more » Read more »

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