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Poetry by Julie MacAdam
I wonder if the wind feels resistance when it blows, If raindrops are afraid to merge with the flows of rivers and seas no longer being just their own. I wonder if the sun realizes the brightness of its light and if it wishes... Read more »

Currents by Jess Schroeter
“I have been writing songs since I was 13, and although inspiration and creative output come and go in waves, the current never stopped... Since coming to the Ashram, other means of expression have been prevalent, and there’s been (and continues to be) much... Read more »

Bridging Heaven and Earth with Swami Samayananda
In this satsang, Swami Samayanda explores how in times of hopelessness we can find that transition from darkness to light when we understand how to live in two worlds – the earthly and the spiritual. Read more »

The Passing of Swami Radhananda
The Passing of Swami Radhananda, Past President and Spiritual Director Yasodhara Ashram, BC February 4, 2021 Kootenay Bay, BC – Swami Radhananda, president and spiritual director of Yasodhara Ashram from December 1993 to May 2014, passed away peacefully January 28 … Read more » Read more »

Giving Back to Life with Swami Jyotihananda
In this satsang, Swami Jyotihananda honors Swami Radha and the teachings by reflecting on giving back. Swami Radha would continuously say, “We have to give back to life.” She would also invite us to recognize what we already have – … Read more » Read more »

Working Together: Resilience for Now and Future Generations
On Human Rights Day December 10, 2020, we created this video to be shown in collaboration with the Nelson Interfaith Climate Action Collaborative – our commitment to implementing practices to support the land and future generations. Read more »

Stay Together, Love Each Other
In November, the European Yasodhara Yoga Network held a weekend of satsangs, Hidden Language Hatha Yoga and reflection sessions as well as the Annual General Meeting for the Radha House Association. They came together from many countries via Zoom as … Read more » Read more »

Time of Uncertainty: Opening The Heart
2020 was a year we will all remember for the disruption of the pandemic and the changes it demanded on just about every aspect of our lives. We hope in this time that you, your family and friends have been … Read more » Read more »

Breath and Simplicity
Swami Padmananda delves into the concept of simplicity in a world that can be seemingly complex. How do we open and create space so feelings are not so overwhelming? How can the practice of ‘breath’ bring us to a place … Read more » Read more »

Our Sacred Land
Take an aerial ride with us as we explore the mountains, Kootenay Lake and our beloved Ashram. Drone Footage: Amy Allcock Read more »

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