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In Conversation With Swami Lalitananda
Yoga Development Course graduate Katie Taher recently sat down for a conversation with Ashram President Swami Lalitananda in the Temple of Light. In this personal and intimate interview Swami Lalitananda talks about her younger years, her experiences with Swami Radha, … Read more » Read more »

Ashram Ketchup
Demystifying a Yasodhara classic! Have you ever wondered how to make Ashram ketchup? The recipe is below, but remember this is for an Ashram-sized batch, so you may need to adjust! 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 cup water 1 … Read more » Read more »

Ashram Mayo
Make your own Ashram-style mayo! Here are the instructions for how to make a batch of this Yasodhara staple. Ingredients: 6 egg yolks 6 cups sunflower oil 1 tbsp dijon mustard 1 tsp salt 1 tsp lemon juice 1 to … Read more » Read more »

Yasodhara Geo
Essay and Photos by Ksxan (Stevey Seymour) “Time is the longest distance between two places.” (Tennessee Williams) This could not be truer than here at Yasodhara Ashram. Time works differently here: time speeds up and slows down in unpredictable patterns. … Read more » Read more »

It’s Nettle Time
by Maya Skalinska M.H.,R.H.T Nettle leaf is among the most valuable herbal remedies in the northern hemisphere. It’s packed with important nutrients and grows abundantly all over the Kootenays. It is rich in protein, iron, boron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulphur, … Read more » Read more »

Interview with Shelly Boyd
Listen to this powerful interview between Swami Lalitananda and Arrow Lakes Cultural Facilitator, Shelly Boyd from Sinixt First Nations. Shelly discusses the recent Supreme Court decision to restore the rights of the Sinixt people living in the United States. She … Read more » Read more »

Ghost ecology, living map
“Have you ever stood somewhere, looked around, and wondered what the place must have looked like hundreds of years ago? In particular, what the nature of the place might have looked like, sounded like, smelled like? Wonder what has been … Read more » Read more »

Protecting the Sacred
by Tracy White Almost four years ago today, I found myself in a prayer circle where an Elder was leading a blessing. There were about a hundred people gathered together and it was completely silent as he spoke, so that … Read more » Read more »

Meditation On Breathing
In response to what is happening in Ukraine right now, Swami Lalitananda shares these words while our Elastic Band came together to record ‘Meditation on Breathing’. (Lyrics are slightly changed to fit the times: When I breathe in, I breathe … Read more » Read more »

Humans of the Ashram
2020 provided both the time and the reason for me to focus on healing to ensure my self-preservation. Experiencing a double pandemic––both the virus and the prolific televised oppression against Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)––has required a different … Read more » Read more »

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