
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Podcast #6
Podcast #6 In this episode, Katie Taher interviews Swami Samayananda, a long-time resident and teacher at the Ashram. She discusses the difference between knowledge and wisdom. She reflects back on her relationship with Swami Radha. Samayananda had an implicit trust … Read more » Read more »

The Garden, the Practice, the Way – One Taste
Standing in the garden, lulled by the hum of insects intent on collecting nectar while they still can, I’m enjoying the soft warmth of an autumn sun. The season has clearly shifted from languid long days of summer to cool … Read more » Read more »

Meaningful Lives Episode 2
In this episode Swami Lalitananda interviews Candace Batycki, a conservation advocate for more than 30 years, specializing in protecting ecosystems for threatened and endangered wildlife, and caribou in particular. She served as the BC and Yukon Program Director for the … Read more » Read more »

Animation & Salvation – Ego Reconstitution & Redemption
While weeding the carrots last week I was amazed at the tenacity of hoary alyssum, and yet I am equally as perplexed by the intricate layers of my ego, after some serious dismantling. When I awoke paralyzed in ICU after … Read more » Read more »

Podcast #5
In this episode Katie Taher interviews Swami Sivananda, long-time Ashram teacher and Swami Radha’s personal driver, student and friend. He talks about searching for a teacher to clarify the teachings from the east and through a flyer for a workshop … Read more » Read more »

turkey feather in forest with moss and trees
Feather from Sue – Lightening the Weight of Grief
Surprises come in many guises. Sometimes even shocking the nervous system with disbelief — no this can’t be true, I only saw her 3 months ago and she was fine then…. Reality takes many different forms. Could this be true? … Read more » Read more »

indiginous feather smudge bowl in canadian forest and mountains
Bridging Traditions—First Nations Meets Yoga
I have been thinking about the question of who am I?  When I first came to the Ashram, I was looking for something better. I didn’t know anything about yoga. I began to relearn a lot of things and this … Read more » Read more »

black and white microphone podcast cover
Podcast #4
Katie Taher sits down with Devi and discusses her time with Swami Radha and the theme of commitment. Devi reflects on how Swami Radha challenged her and was able to break down her defenses – knowing exactly what she needed. … Read more » Read more »

drawn orange and yellow flower with green background
The Trampled Flower Resurrection: A Story of Healing
Prologue: Once upon a time there was a gentle flower who came to be in an endless green meadow by a shimmering river between two majestic mountains. Though the flower was very beautiful, it had particularly delicate petals that could … Read more » Read more »

One Woman’s Vision
60 years ago, one woman with a determination to follow through on her promise to her teacher, found the property that was to become Yasodhara Ashram. She and a group of young men settled into the abandoned homestead – that … Read more » Read more »

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