
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Karma Yoga Programs Free of Charge from May – October
We are pleased to offer our Young Adult Program (18-30) and One Month Program (30+) free-of-charge from May to October in 2018. Read more »

Come and Discover! Newsletter Issue 2, 2018
In this newsletter it is inspiring to hear how the YDC translates into graduate studies at Columbia, how a family has experienced meaning in their two months of Ashram living, and how a baker tested her incredible Italian bread recipe on residents as part... Read more »

Upcoming Reconciliation Workshops with Indigenous Elders
Pahan Pte San Win and Wanbdi Wakita are a husband and wife team who have dedicated their lives to sharing their knowledge about reconciliation and healing. On April 20-22, 2018 they will be returning to the East Shore to offer a series of workshops... Read more »

A Tasty Retreat – Welcoming Artists and Professionals
Dana Reinhardt, a professional chef and restaurant consultant, recently spent 10 days at the Ashram on an artist/professional retreat. Her focus was unusual - she wanted to perfect a recipe she had just created for Italian-style bread. Read more »

A Learning Journey of Reflection
Christopher J. Starr leapt from the 2017 Yoga Development Course (YDC) to enrolment in the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Master's program at New York City's Columbia University - and he is amazed at how well he was prepared by his learning journey at the... Read more »

Building a Family
Reynold and Saskia Reynolds and their daughter Escher joined in Ashram life for two months this winter for a time of reconnection on many levels. Read more »

Photo of the Month – Issue 2, 2018
Be inspired with this beautiful desktop & iPhone wallpaper. Read more »

Eating Sustainably
It has been over half a century since Swami Radha settled on this beautiful land I have come to know and love as Yasodhara Ashram. I can clearly see how her vision aligned with the needs of the community and with Mother Nature. I... Read more »

Asking the Juicy Questions of Life
Professional Retreat guest, Brenna Atnikov, describes her journey from professional burnout to discovering a more life-sustaining approach to her life and work. Read more »

Supporting the Yoga Development Course
The new Temple of Light is described by the designers, Patkau Architects, as “Open to sky, to horizon, to every direction in welcome; on a fixed axis, in free form, turning to all in support of an enduring vision; a … Read more » Read more »

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