
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Swami Premananda Invites You!
View this video for a reminder of all the Ashram has to offer for your development. Read more »

Caring for our Inheritance: Stepping Up to the Challenge
Thanks to many generous donors, we raised over $30,000 as part of our Caring for our Inheritance fundraising campaign. We are touched by the overwhelming response that helped us exceed our goal of raising $10,000. Thank you! Read more »

The Symbol of a Talking Stick
Sandra Vandenhoff, an audiologist who wears a cochlear implant to assist with her hearing loss, reflects upon her time in the Yoga Development Course (YDC) using group microphones. She quickly learned how her technology became a positive symbol. Read more »

A Year of Victory – 2017 Annual Report
Our beautifully designed Annual Report for 2017 features the Temple of Light and is titled “A Year of Victory.” Read more about our successes and learnings. Read more »

Photo of the Month – Issue 3, 2018
Be inspired with this beautiful desktop & iPhone wallpaper.  Photo by Amy Allcock. Read more »

Ripple Effect – Singing the Land & Temple of Light
For six days the Ashram was blessed with the sound of singing throughout the landscape as Corazon Vocal Ensemble and University of Western Ontario’s Community Through Choral Arts created a series of progressive concerts called Ripple Effect. Corazon director, Allison Girvan, describes how the... Read more »

Pamela Boyd – Artist
I’ve come away with a new practice, a new way of ‘doing my own work’. Being at the ashram I’ve experienced not just a fresh hatha practice, but an all round yoga practice that speaks to my inner needs as well as my outer. Read more »

10 Inspiring Responses to the 10 Day Yoga Journey
In May 2017, we asked participants of our 10 Day Yoga Journey course: What has your time meant to you? What have you come away with? What inspired you? Here are their responses: “This has done incredible things for my self-awareness. … Read more » Read more »

Yasodhara Ashram’s Year of Invitation
2018 is our Year of Invitation. There are many ways to enter – through courses, through Karma Yoga, through retreats. We are especially happy to introduce you to the Temple of Light – a sanctuary for now and for generations to come. Find your... Read more »

A Weekend of Healing & Reconciliation with Indigenous Elders
This past weekend, Pahan Pte San Win and Wanbdi Wakita of Bear Paw tipi returned to the Ashram to offer an inspiring and heartfelt weekend of teachings. Ashram residents, guests and local community members participated in workshops and satsangs focused … Read more » Read more »

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