
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Help Us Win $100,000 for our Young Adult Program!
We have been selected to participate in a contest created by the Aviva Community Fund and are eligible to win $100,000 for our Young Adult Program and we need your help to win! Read more »

The Learning Edge – Newsletter Issue 4, 2018
After weeks of August smoke, I am one of many who is joyfully celebrating the golden sunshine, blue sky, lovely clouds and longed-for rains of this subtle September. It's the clear air! How precious to see the lake and mountains again and to recognize... Read more »

Twenty Years Later
Trine Mikkelsen (left) and Julia Hambleton first came to the Ashram when they were in their twenties. Back at the Ashram this summer, they reflect about the impact that time had on their lives. Read more »

The Heartbeat of the Columbia River
Joanne Taylor is a PhD Candidate, researcher and instructor in Community, Culture and Global Studies at UBC Okanagan. In July she came to the Ashram on a Professional Renewal Retreat to support her writing and discovered that the Ashram symbolizes the very heart of her research. Read more »

Temple Resonates with Devotion
The Temple of Light holds the warm glow of mantra, devotion and clarifying vibrations following August events that drew people from our international and regional communities. Read more »

Photo of the Month – Issue 4, 2018
Be inspired with this beautiful desktop & iPhone wallpaper.  Photo by Amy Allcock. Read more »

Authentic Learning for Youth
Justin Wesenberg arrived at the Ashram this spring to participate in a three-month Learning Residency to gain new skills in gardening. He found the learning environment to be “really authentic” and recommends it for young people. Read more »

Yoga Development Course – Sandra
Yoga Development Course (YDC) participant Sandra Vandenhoff shares her of experience taking this transformative 3-month course. Read more »

10 Days of Yoga – Barbara
10 Days of Yoga participant Barbara Ritchie shares her experience of taking this life-changing course. Read more »

Shining Brightly – Newsletter Issue 3, 2018
What a wonderful start to the summer - with youthful heartfelt community choirs singing subtle connections to earth, air, water and spirit. And the official opening of the Temple of Light drawing a grand gathering to celebrate - with thoughtful tributes from local leaders... Read more »

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