
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

One Drop in a Sea of Light – Newsletter Issue 5, 2018
I recently attended the Parliament of World Religions in Toronto and resonated with the themes highlighting each day: Indigenous Peoples’ Program, Women’s Dignity, Climate Action, Justice. I heard women, elders, youth, poets offering their experience, their pleas for action, their conviction … Read more » Read more »

Supporting Young Adults
Thank you to everyone who voted for the Ashram’s Young Adult Program in the Aviva Community Fund contest. Although not a financial winner, we made it to number 15 out of 188 entries Canada-wide with 12,000 votes. This translates into … Read more » Read more »

Staying Relevant in Today’s World: the Yoga Development Course
How does a three-month yoga course first offered 50 years ago stay relevant despite world changes in this half-century? In the late 1960s, Swami Radha would say that sometimes “the word yoga would draw blank stares.” Now it is unusual … Read more » Read more »

Instructional Video: Divine Mother Prayer Dance
Swami Lalitananda offers an easy-to-follow guide to the Ashram’s Divine Mother Prayer Dance in this video prepared for her presentation to the Parliament of World Religions. Whether the dance is new for you or you want to hone your practice, … Read more » Read more »

Media Writers Experience the Ashram
In September, three media writers from NUVO Magazine, Seattle Yoga Magazine and Canadian World Traveller, were invited to the Ashram to participate in our Breath: The Invisible Work retreat and visit the East Shore in a unique way thanks to … Read more » Read more »

Swami Lalitananda in Toronto
Join Swami Lalitananda, president of Yasodhara Ashram, on her upcoming visit to Toronto. She offers two opportunities to connect with Yasodhara community members and friends and looks forward to seeing you! Saturday, November 3, 2018 Divine Mother: Dancing to Life … Read more » Read more »

Young Adult Program – Leland & Faaria
Young Adult Program participants Leland & Faaria share their experience of the program. Read more »

Video of Corazón’s Choir’s “Ripple Effect” Performance
Watch this performance, directed by Allison Girvan in June, 2018, took place as part of Ripple Effect, a choral installation by 72 singers and their audience on the grounds and in the Temple of Light at Yasodhara Ashram in Kootenay Bay, B.C. Read more »

Studying Myself in the Young Adult Program
Young Adult Program participant Maura shares what she learned during her time at the Ashram and what she will be taking with her when she leaves. Read more »

Reflections of the 10 Days of Yoga
Participants in the 10 Days of Yoga, held in August 2018, reflect on their experience. Read more »

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