
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Photo of the Month – Issue 5, 2019
Be inspired with this beautiful desktop & iPhone wallpaper. Read more »

Recipe: Triple Ginger Snaps
photo by andrea rollefson; printed in Ascent Magazine With its spicy flavour and warming effect on the body, ginger is an excellent food for the cool seasons. Ginger root is actually the rhizome, or underground stem, of a tall grass-like … Read more » Read more »

News At A Glance
Teachers on Tour – Swami Sukhananda will be on the road in Europe offering her inspiring workshops in England, Germany and Portugal. Look for all her dates starting this December here. In Canada this October, Swami Satyananda will be leading … Read more » Read more »

Fall Artist Retreats – Opening to Creative Potential
Two recent Artist Retreat guests—writer Robin McDonald and visual artist Gabrielle Clarke—describe how the Ashram environment and practices took them more deeply into themselves and their creative process.   Read more »

Nourishing mind, body and spirit (Yasodhara Yoga studio prepares to celebrate 30 years in Spokane Sept 28)
Nourishing mind, body and spirit. Yasodhara Yoga studio prepares to celebrate 30 years in Spokane Sept 28 Read article HERE as posted in the Spokesman Review September 2019. Read more »

Youth Climate Action
Youth Climate Action Ashram events coordinator Danni Lynch writes passionately about our support for youth and Climate Action. View the article HERE. Read more »

One-Month Karma Yoga Program
See how our One-Month Karma Yoga Program can invigorate your life and give you skills to take into the world. Read more »

2018 Annual Review – A Year of Invitation
Enjoy highlights of the Temple Opening and other “cosmic and local” connections throughout the year. Read more »

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