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Pickled Asparagus
Yield 6 pints (in wide mouth jars) 10 pounds fresh asparagus 6 large garlic cloves 3 Tablespoons pickling spice 3 teaspoons dill seed   (½ cup pickling salt) (4 ½ cups white vinegar (5% acidity) (4 ½ cups water)   … Read more » Read more »

Change and Choices – Satsang With Swami Jyotihananda
Description: Swami Jyotihananda offered satsang May 10 with the Elastic Band. Experience her inspiring talk relevant to today’s world, along with mantra, music and community connection in the Temple of Light. Read more »

The Heart of Grounding – Satsang With Swami Samayananda
We aired this pre-recorded Satsang on May 3. We hope you enjoy this talk, music and mantra with Swami Samayananda in The Temple of Light. Read more »

The Power of Vision – Satsang with Swami Lalitananda
We aired this pre-recorded satsang on April 26. We hope you enjoy this talk, music and mantra with Swami Lalitananda in the Temple of Light. Read more »

Power Of Community – Newsletter Issue 2, 2020
Newsletter Issue 2 Issue 2, April 2020 Power of Community It’s spring at Yasodhara Ashram – sometimes snowing even as the crocuses bloom. Surrounded by forests and mountains, a sparkling lake, the freshly dug garden, we are together with others who … Read more » Read more »

OM Asatoma – Devotional Bhajan Offering from the Temple of Light
Enjoy this practice offering from our ‘Elastic Band’ that stretches and contracts depending on who is available. The prayer is adapted from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad for this bhajan. Sanskrit words: Om Asatoma Sat Gamaya Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya Mrytyor Ma Amritam Gamaya … Read more » Read more »

Livestreamed Satsang Talk – Swami Lalitananda
On March 22, we had a livestreamed satsang, wanting to bring people together in these uncertain times. The following is a transcript of the talk Swami Lalitananda gave. Namaste, In the Temple tonight we have the Yoga Development Course students/participants, … Read more » Read more »

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