
Join us here for all our latest happenings at the Ashram, art and more. Be inspired by our blog and podcast where we reflect deeply into issues of the day and give voice to others’ stories and insights.

Trusting In the Light – Satsang with Swami Samayananda
“The power that created us can take care of us.” Swami Samayananda shares Swami Radha’s vivid description of how establishing the Ashram in the 1960s gave her many opportunities to develop trust. She points out that building trust is a … Read more » Read more »

Working in Harmony – Satsang With Swami Sukhananda
Swami Sukhananda, along with karma yogis Charline and Hazel, offers reflections and inspiration about Karma Yoga in daily life. Referring to the ancient text the Bhagavad Gita, she speaks about ahimsa (non-injury), satya (truth) and asteya (non-stealing) and how flow … Read more » Read more »

Celebrating The Light In Community – Satsang With Swami Lalitananda
Swami Lalitananda leads a ‘live satsang’ recorded in the Temple of Light. In this satsang offering – full of inspiration and diversity – Swami Lalitananda introduces you to our radiant new brahmachari Durga, to karma yogis speaking about their spiritual … Read more » Read more »

Listening to the Heart of the Music – Satsang With Shakti
Join Shakti as she offers a bhajan satsang that gives the lift of devotional music from the Ashram. You will be treated to original compositions as well as our own rendition of One Voice – a song written by Ruth … Read more » Read more »

Patkau Architects Receive Many Awards
Patkau Architects have received many awards over the past year for the Temple of Light. Read all about the awards and articles written about the Temple. 2019 International Awards Program for Religious Art & Architecture – Faith & Form – … Read more » Read more »

We All Live Together – Satsang With Swami Matananda
Swami Matananda takes us behind the scenes to the making of the satsangs and what it means to be part of a community and seamless teamwork. We get a chance to hear what working on these satsangs has meant for … Read more » Read more »

Expanding Awareness – Satsang With Swami Sivananda
Swami Sivananda offers satsang and asks us to explore our everyday awareness. As he states, “Every step to become more aware is a victory, no matter how small that might be.” In every small step, every moment, we can learn … Read more » Read more »

Practice and Patience – Satsang With Swami Padmananda
Swami Padmananda welcomes you to the Temple of Light, to the arrival of spring blossoms, and to the importance of practice for living our ideals. Connect with the Ashram community worldwide as you take time to “Be Still and Know” … Read more » Read more »

We Are One in the Light – Satsang With Swami Sukhananda
Swami Sukhananda talks about the opportunity we currently have to support one another during the pandemic. What is the role of yoga in this – in ourselves, in our global community, in our local community? Read more »

Dancing with the Unknown – Satsang With Swami Satyananda
Swami Satyananda in the Temple of Light as she speaks about the dance we are all moving to during this time. Connect with the sound and vibration of mantra. Enjoy the devotional music of the Elastic Band, with thanks to … Read more » Read more »

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