Swami Radananda
I Haven’t been to the ashram in many years due to health reasons. I remember my 1st time at the ashram about 20 years ago at least. Swami Radanada was in the book store I was struck by her quiet and peaceful manner, and at Satsang how she would speak in a gentle way yet […]
A Spiritual Mother and a True Human Being
Swami Radhananda introduced me to the incredible art and science of Kundalini Yoga in 1996 and I was hooked! She was both a patient and thoughtful teacher as well as a fierce and direct guru/mentor. There were hidden messages with layers of yogic meaning in everything she said as well as in her fearless embrace […]
Love. Growth. Tremendous gratitude. Hari Om Jo Ann Hamm
A bright light
When I think of Swami Radhananda, I think of the sun shining in her shock of white hair, smiling graciously, walking the grounds of the Ashram with her companions. She was always a light to behold, and I miss running into her and giving her a bow on the grounds of the beautiful Yasodhara Ashram […]
In memory of Swami Radhananda and the Yasodhara lineage

Although my time with Swami Radhananda was mostly through her books, her Satsang talks and videos, and the summer pujas during my Karma Yoga stays, I would take delight in catching glimpses of her on her walkabouts at the Ashram in her final years. I felt the same joy as I do now when spotting […]
At a workshop where we drew faces, Swami Radhananda looked at mine and noted that it didn’t have any ears. She then walked on. I got the message. She didn’t have to berate me for it. I always appreciated her gentle way of teaching. . . . though I know she could be fierce at […]
Live your life fully
« Live your life fully, you can if you really want to. « Those words that Swami Radhananda said to a group of YDCers are staying with me. Only a great teacher, one who herself has lived her life fully, is able to say that and encourage in doing that. Denise
Heartfelt Gratitude and Thanks
Swami Radhananda was one of my first Hidden Language teachers. I remember a class focused on Sun Salutations; she read a children’s story about honouring the sun. It was simple, beautiful, inspiring. Doing sun salutations became an act of reverence to the Light. I also remember another time when she read excerpts of Winnie the […]
Supporting the highest in you, in me, in us
Swami Radhananda saw each of our Light. She stayed focused on that. She had little patience when I acted small or unsure or arrogant. She knew the Light was there and reminded me to want it with all my heart. One day I was walking through the garden looking at the vegetables and insects with […]
Quiet, Subtle and Powerful
Much Light and StrengthLike a Diamond struck by the sun’s raysNo sounds yet a clear and glorious presenceGratitude seeps from my soulTo the courage and path of Swami Radhananda With BIG.BOLD.LOVE Margo Lee Burton