Bridging Heaven and Earth with Swami Samayananda

In this satsang, Swami Samayanda explores how in times of hopelessness we can find that transition from darkness to light when we understand how to live in two worlds – the earthly and the spiritual.
Giving Back to Life with Swami Jyotihananda

In this satsang, Swami Jyotihananda honors Swami Radha and the teachings by reflecting on giving back. Swami Radha would continuously say, “We have to give back to life.” She would also invite us to recognize what we already have – the many blessings life has given us. In this time of COVID, this is an […]
Stay Together, Love Each Other

In November, the European Yasodhara Yoga Network held a weekend of satsangs, Hidden Language Hatha Yoga and reflection sessions as well as the Annual General Meeting for the Radha House Association. They came together from many countries via Zoom as Swami Sukhananda asked, “what is love and what is it to stay together?” She explored […]
Breath and Simplicity

Swami Padmananda delves into the concept of simplicity in a world that can be seemingly complex. How do we open and create space so feelings are not so overwhelming? How can the practice of ‘breath’ bring us to a place of clarity so we can be of service not only to ourselves but to others? […]
Generating Waves of Light with Swami Lalitananda

Description: Swami Lalitananda discusses the themes of waves and holding each other in the Light. As the wave of the dark season rolls in, how do we bring in the Light for ourselves, what brings us joy and calm? She also reflects upon how Swami Radhananda (Mary-Ann) is held at the Ashram with such care […]
Saraswati with Swami Satyananda and Friends

Swami Satyananda reveals the language of the heart as she discusses the power of Saraswati: the goddess of wisdom, speech, learning, the arts – the focus of our teachings here at the Ashram. She relates how she moved into her heart through dance and understands the delicate dance between logic and intuition which guides any […]
Polishing the Diamond Satsang with Swami Matananda

Swami Matananda re-introduces an archival video with Swami Radhananda, successor to Swami Radha and our president for 20 years. A key message is: Pressure creates a polished diamond. Swami Matananda explores how this time of added pressure during COVID can be a way of realizing your human potential. She relates a sweet story of being […]
The Light of Understanding with Swami Jyotihananda

Swami Jyotihananda lives up to her name in this Light-filled satsang! (Jyoti = light in sanskrit). Through her blend of personal stories and tributes to her guru Swami Radha, she reminds us of the power available to heal and evolve. At satsang’s end, listen for Swami Radhananda’s words from Living the Practice. She says, “walking […]
Trusting In the Light – Satsang with Swami Samayananda

“The power that created us can take care of us.” Swami Samayananda shares Swami Radha’s vivid description of how establishing the Ashram in the 1960s gave her many opportunities to develop trust. She points out that building trust is a very active process and encourages each of us – through a touching ritual – to […]
Working in Harmony – Satsang With Swami Sukhananda

Swami Sukhananda, along with karma yogis Charline and Hazel, offers reflections and inspiration about Karma Yoga in daily life. Referring to the ancient text the Bhagavad Gita, she speaks about ahimsa (non-injury), satya (truth) and asteya (non-stealing) and how flow and ease come from these principles. And sing along with the bhajan lyrics in our […]