Dance with Swami Radhananda
Dance with Swami Radhanandacomposed by purnimafaith with love and LightAugust 10, 2021 There is a special place in my heartWhere i go when I feeli have no purposeThere, i am filled with love and Lightand i remember i remember Swami Radhanandawhen we were together Sitting on her chesterfield in Many MansionsQuietly, each in our own […]
Practice of Love
Reading Swami Radhananda’s writings and practicing Yoga in her image, I must say, that following her example is life changing for me. It is the strength in her grace and compassion that brings everything home to the heart, where it can take root and grow into a life long heartfelt practice of love. Bill Monette
Swami Radhananda

Swami Radhananda had a huge influence on my life. I loved her very much. She was gentle, caring and straight, and loved walking and enjoying all of nature’s beauty. She was an extraordinary person because of her dedication to teaching us how to connect to our own wisdom and the Divine. Swami Radhananda had a […]
I Won’t Pretend to Know Her

She knew meShe asked questionsThrough their explorationTaught me about myselfWhat do I know?What is my purpose?Why do I keep myself separate? I won’t pretend to know herShe could really see meTaught me how to see myselfIn her reflectionIn my ownMaybe this (she and the ashram) is whyI can be fully authentic nowI was not when […]
In the Garden
In the GardenI noticedAn ancient figureStooping towardAn open flower.My heart sprang openThat must be her!I tried to followBut my workCalled me back.Later, on the pathI met her radianceOur hearts sprangOpen togetherI love this place!I am gladYou came Barbara Jean Ritchie
The Yard

The yard in front of Many Mansions has many worlds within it. I love how Mary Ann slowly converted the manicured yard into a semi wild space, introducing moss and letting nature flourish. Some of my favourite memories of Mary Ann are just being, sitting, listening, next to the pond, under that amazing laburnum with […]
Come Close

Come closer, she whispersSomething in me rises to lean into her. Come closer, to who I am becoming,what I am learning, what I Know. Come closer, and I lean into Generosity,Humility, Practicality, Devotion, andCompassion practiced with a scalpel’s precisionfor what is unnecessary on the journey. Come closer, feel the ineffable Joyin Letting Go and Joyful […]
Memories of You
Visits in your kitchenMy first knowing of my love for youI’m young and I want life to be differentLive my life, embrace my life, you tell meYou teach me by your exampleYou support me to take next stepsBack to school and we are togetherWeekly classes, Satsangs, Rose CeremoniesTea at your orange table, sometimes joyous, sometimes […]
Meeting my Guru

The first time that I met Swami Radhananda was at Pakefield doing a Retreat with two other colleagues in 2009. She did not speak much, which contrasted with my Portuguese yoga teacher that made long talks in her retreats. This contrast made me feel uneasy in the beginning. However, the reflections that came to me […]
Watch your Mind
There was great anticipation in the room while the YDC’ers of 2007 pulled out notebooks and carbon paper and pens in preparation for our first class with Swami Radhananda. She strode in quietly, but firmly. Sat, with no introduction, pre-amble or context, and said, simply, “Watch your mind”.Once the shuffle of paper and people subsided […]