50 years teaching yoga

I started teaching yoga in 1970, and discovered Swami Radha and the Ashram that same year. I took the Yoga Teachers Course at the Ashram in 1980. I enjoyed an excellent long career as a yoga teacher, and began specializing in yoga for seniors in my senior years. I had no intention of ever retiring from teaching, but did so at the end of 2021, due to the imposition of the vaccine mandates.

My career spanned half a century, a decade short of 60 years, but it may pick up again at some time, probably as a different form of yoga. In the past few years I have taken up the practices of qi gong and holographic breathing, which are other forms of yoga and meditation that I feel have deepened my own practice considerably. I continue to practice the spiritual journal every day, and spend at least 60 minutes each month on my month end review, as I find this helps to clarify insights. The teachings have been integrated into my being and continue to uplift and inspire me after all this time, and I am grateful.


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