Dance with Swami Radhananda
composed by purnimafaith with love and Light
August 10, 2021
There is a special place in my heart
Where i go when I feel
i have no purpose
There, i am filled with love and Light
and i remember
i remember Swami Radhananda
when we were together
Sitting on her chesterfield in Many Mansions
Quietly, each in our own presence
for me feeling so blessed that i could be
right there at Yasodhara Ashram
with Swami Radhananda
Walking with her on the beach,
in the woods, up the road, in the garden
i would feel light and joyful
being with my friend and teacher
Swami Radhananda was wise, clear, intent and in subtle ways
she would gently show me a new, fresh way to think,
to relax into who i really was,
In the Light
Other times she firmly challenged me to explore new ways
to think and listen deeply
to take a leap of faith
and free myself from being stuck in the past
Swami Radhananda is not gone
i can be with her everywhere
and anytime i choose
i remember my friend and teacher
Swami Radhananda