Saturated Light – Newsletter Issue 3, 2019

Saturated Light
Issue 3, 2019

The extended light approaching Summer Solstice is always surprising, energizing and
dynamic. The Ashram feels immensely saturated right now too as we emerge out of a strategic planning process looking ahead 15 years. Where are we now? Who are we now? How does succession happen? What is the vision? Skilled facilitators bring together all levels of leadership at the Ashram to look clearly, to imagine loftily and to decide on first
steps…. We’re still in process as I write, so stay tuned!
In this newsletter we hear the voice of a powerful Indigenous woman offering a path to reconciliation; we explore the spirit of collaboration with other organizations; we
observe how the Ashram can hold a family in celebration, yoga and learning; and we update you on our wildfire safety plans.
Thank you for your support in every way! Please join us this summer to continue expanding your Light to its limits.


Loving Heart, Courage and Commitment: Pahan Pte San Win
Ashram friends and Indigenous teachers Pahan Pte San Win and Wanbdi Wakita blessed the Ashram and many guests with their third annual Walking Together into a Hopeful Future weekend focused on reconciliation and the power of women.

Radical Collaboration: Swami Lalitananda
“Stimulating, invigorating, expansive, interconnected” – these are a few words that come to mind as I reflect on my six days at the Holistic Centres Network (HCN) Gathering on Cortes Island in May.

FireSmart and Wildfire Assessment
We are passionate about caring for the land, water and forests and maintaining the buildings so they continue to support our guests, residents and teachings.

A Mother’s Day Retreat
Okanagan yoga teacher, Christine Jilek, chose Mother’s Day weekend to bring a group of students, her mother Johanna and daughter Hanna for a first-time visit to the Ashram. She reflects on the experience.

Featured Programs

10 Day Yoga Journey
July 11-21; Aug 15-25;
Oct 10-20
Reflect Reconnect Renew
  • Heal your mind and body
  • Access your inner wisdom
  • Navigate life transitions

Relaxation Retreat
June 28-30, Aug 30-Sept 1, Nov 15-17
 In this retreat, you will focus on going inward, stilling the mind and body, connecting to your inner source of peace, harmony and joy. 

Light In the Centre with Swami Lalitananda
July 15-19
Take this once-a-year opportunity for personal growth and accessing the sacred with the insightful and playful guidance of Swami Lalitananda.

Yoga Development Course 2020

What would propel someone to take three months out of their established, known life and routines to step into an in-depth, inner exploration and learning experience? Perhaps a longing for change and integration or developing a deeper relationship with a quieter, knowing Self. Some of the 2019 YDC participants express the benefit of having given themselves the gift of being supported this past winter in finding their own victories – watch the video below.


News At A Glance

  • Toronto Youth Exchange – In May we hosted chaperones and one teen from a multi-cultural based youth group in Toronto that was participating in an exchange with the secondary youth from local Crawford Bay School.
  • Earth Day – Swami Satyananda, along with two of our young karma yogis, participated in the Earth Day parade in Nelson to represent the Ashram.
  • Westcoast Tour Reaches Out – Swami Lalitananda’s full and varied Outreach tour reached hundreds of people through workshops, talks and more. See a few photos on Facebook.
  • Strawberry Social – On Saturday, June 22, we are hosting our 24th Annual Strawberry Social and you are invited!
  • Fall Outreach Ottawa and Halifax host Swami Samayananda in Sept-Oct.
  • Worldwide Connections – This spring the Ashram participated in a Worldwide Meditation livestreamed via Facebook from Hollyhock Leadership Centre on Cortes Island. We also hosted representatives from other traditions here at the Ashram.
Click here
for all the news

How was your experience? Tell us with a review.


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