A Celebration Of Evolution – Newsletter Issue 2, 2019

A Celebration of Evolution
Issue 2, 2019

The Yoga Development Course (YDC) this year, its 50th, was a great celebration of evolution—personal, group and Ashram!

For the teachers, we did a deep dive into the archives a few months prior to this YDC—studying and reflecting. How did it start? What has changed? What is the value in the original and what has been lost over the years that needs to come back? What needs updating? Where are the tight spots and can they be loosened? What is our ideal for the course? Spacious, independent, trusting the learners. 

As we studied transcripts and course outlines, we saw our rich heritage. We each took a topic or two and reflected to gain our own experience. We came together as a group and recognized the brilliance of the design and also the need for movement. Similar to building the new Temple—the original was perfect but we needed to update for now. We invited in help to learn more about group dynamics, and we saw how the YDC is so aligned with these principles, and also how we could be more conscious and guide the group to set their own parameters.

Integration seemed key. How to integrate even more the elements of the course in what is so obviously a whole. As we worked together it was like weaving threads to create subtle shifts in the fabric. 

And then we welcomed them in—a group of 21 diligent workers, deep thinkers, devotional aspirants. 

Thank you for the journey! And thank you to Swami Radha for initiating this life-changing course 50 years ago. Here’s to another 50!

Three-Month Course Stays Relevant and Real
Twenty-one sparkling people dedicated to self-development will soon transition out of the Yoga Development Course (YDC) and into their next steps. 
Legacy Giving Supports Future Generations
The Ashram has held the integrity of Swami Radha’s teachings for 56 years while welcoming a growing number of people seeking meaning and quality in their lives. 
On The Road – Traveling Opens Up a Spiritual Pursuit
Simon Zielfelder, 20, from Berlin, Germany, arrived in Canada on an adventure, not at all looking for a spiritual journey.
A New Wave
The Ashram is experiencing an increasing number of requests from groups who want to come and experience this setting for their retreats. They are drawn to the beautiful, peaceful and healthy environment that the Ashram offers.
Featured Programs
10 Day Yoga Journey
May 16 – 26; July 11 – 21; Aug 15-25; Oct 10-20
Reflect Reconnect Renew
  • Heal your mind and body
  • Access your inner wisdom
  • Navigate life transitions
One-Month Karma Yoga
April 30, May 28 & ongoing monthly
For young adults and any age interested in living in a spiritual community to explore work, develop self-knowledge and gain skills.
Mother’s Day Renewal
May 10-12
Take time to nourish yourself with compassion and be taken care of with wholesome food, time alone and healthy interaction with others.
News At A Glance
  • Teachers on Tour – Join Swami Lalitananda on Vancouver Island May 18-19 and Vancouver May 23-26 for workshops and events. Gather your friends for spring renewal with our president! Swami Samayananda will offer workshops May 24-26 in Calgary and Swami Sukhananda is planning for her return 2019-2020 tour in Europe.
  • Video – Watch a delightful video made by one-month karma yogis.
  • Indspire Awards – Learn about our long-term resident Chuck McNab’s experience at the 2019 Indigenous Awards
  • Learning Residencies – Check out the intakes for areas such as Food Flow – Garden and Preserving, Hospitality, Kitchen and Infrastructure.
  • Award – Wood Innovation Award for the Temple of Light design at the 15th annual Wood Design Awards
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for all the news
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