50 for 50 Campaign Update SAVED COPY


“I’m thankful for all the Ashram does. Such important work in this day and age.”

A few weeks ago, we reached out to you with a request to support our “50 Reasons” Spring Fundraising Campaign.

Thank you to the many who have responded. To date we have received over $13,000 – 26% of our $50,000 target. Our goal is to meet this target by June 30th.

“My experience at the Ashram set me on a path of self-discovery. I am so grateful!”

To continue to create a sustainable community for future generations – to maintain this enduring and evolving centre of Light – we rely on the generosity of our donors to make ends meet. Fees fund only a portion of our annual budget.

Please help us in reaching our $50,000 Spring Fundraising Goal.

We invite you to support the Ashram. Each offer of support – no matter the size – is deeply appreciated and makes a difference. In the spirit of the Ashram’s 50th Anniversary, please consider giving $5, $50, $500, $5,000, $50,000.

One donor told us:

“I also turned 50 this year, so this is my birthday gift to the Ashram’s 50th birthday. And for keeping ‘your’ gifts affordable to all…”

So many reasons to support the Ashram. What is your reason?

Please donate now and tell us your reason.

(US donors click here.)

Everyone has a unique reason to give to the Ashram. What is your reason?

Read all 50 reasons on yasodhara.org/why-I-donate. Donate and add your reason (just include your reason in the “comment box” at the bottom of the page)!

Watch for updates over the next few months. We will share your reasons, and we will let you know the progress we are making toward meeting our goal of $50,000 for the 50th Anniversary.

Namaste and many thanks!

Swami Samayananda

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