Extended Learning

guenevereGuenevere Neufeld came to the Young Adult Program (YAP) in 2010 and then returned for an extended stay. During her three years at the Ashram, she completed the Yoga Development Course, book reports and Hatha, Hidden Language and Kundalini teacher certifications. She also oversaw the Ashram Bookstore and helped manage the YAP. In April 2013, Guenevere transitioned from the Ashram to start the next phase in her life.

“My time at the Ashram was not so much about change as continuity – how I have grown and evolved. The essential being that I am has been revealed, by clearing away gunk and stuff through the spiritual tools and support. I have been fortunate to experience life in community. The fact the Ashram exists means more to me than the perfect house, car or job.

What I take with me is my love for Swami Radha, the teachings, and her example. Finding my voice through teaching and leading the Light has contributed to my evolution. And I will always remember the silent laughter in the dining room.”

“Om Namah Sivaya!” Guenevere


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