50 for 50 – Why I donate


During this special fundraising campaign, everyone has a unique reason to give to the Ashram.
What is your reason? 
  1. To be able to give bursaries for young adults and others in need
  2. The teachings saved my life.
  3. Welcoming more seekers
  4. To support the character building, courage and awareness in young women
  5. Celebrate Swami Radha’s Victories!
  6. To keep the Light alive in the world!
  7. The Ashram – the place and the Teachings — enrich lives
  8. I believe in the Teachings that are offered here and the potential for transforming lives
  9. To show appreciation for the Teachings and this place
  10. The Ashram offers perspective and enlightenment from hectic life.
  11. A way to give back
  12. Work off karma
  13. I can’t be here all the time and appreciate those who are and want to support them.
  14. To hold the space for all in need
  15. Because this community rocks!
  16. Money is energy and energy keeps us alive
  17. Because every person that comes to the Ashram is touched in some way.  When they leave they carry with them something that enhances our world.
  18. Because the Teachings are a gift and I am full of gratitude.
  19. To help maintain a beautiful place of peace, tranquility and learning.
  20. I feel like I didn’t give enough last year!  I intend to ramp up my regular donation to the Circle.
  21. If you can’t come, give someone else the chance to come.
  22. It allows people a break from the grind – so that they may look inwards and get to know themselves.  Self-awareness can save your life.
  23. To continue to provide a safe place for deep, profound healing like no other place in the world can offer.
  24. To put gratitude into action.
  25. It is a privilege to support those who seek the most High.
  26. To support a community that is working towards compassion for each other, our planet, and ourselves
  27. To express what’s most alive in me
  28. Give so others can receive the Light
  29. To support both inner and outer peace in our world
  30. To pay it forward so those who do not have the means can still come to the Ashram
  31. To support an amazing community that supported my family in a time of great need through the prayer list
  32. To keep this natural, serene, silent place available for healing and renewal
  33. Because it’s too expensive to start a full Ashram (garden, Mandela House) where we live, so I support Yasodhara Ashram so I can visit often
  34. “…To be the change..” But where to go to learn how to be?…There are very few -Yasodhara Ashram is one, over 50 years one of the very best.
  35. Because I found what I was looking for.
  36. For where to go to change….Yasodhara Ashram.
  37. Why spend more on stuff when I can spread it on the Light?
  38. Because everyone needs a home they can truly call ‘home’
  39. Because this is a life raft, a way of life and solid ground, and like all good things, deserves to be maintained and fostered
  40. For our children and grandchildren
  41. To keep alive a place that shows us how to truly live our ideals!
  42. What if it wasn’t here?  Here are tools to find Light, meaning, purpose, potential.  I want them to endure for all of us, for the future ‘us’.
  43. Gratitude is an enormous power when it comes from an inner feeling and put into action.
  44. To continue helping people engage with their lives and find meaning in it
  45. Support and help maintain the Ashram for another 50 years
  46. For the evolution of human consciousness.
  47. Because here is a life raft, a way of life and solid ground and like all good things, deserves to be maintained and fostered
  48. Because everyone should receive the gift of the Light
  49. I give whatever I can because I loved Swami Radha.
  50. To keep the Light radiating out to the world.

Others have told us:

51. I am grateful for everything you do.  Such important work in this current age.

52. I am who I am because of you. Thank you from a participant of the YDC!

53. In gratitude and Light. Money is energy.  My heart wholly trusts how this energy will by utilized by the Ashram.

54. In honour of my beautiful husband through whom the Light shines!  Thanks for carrying the Light and sharing it with all beings!

55. I came to the Ashram for a month 5 years ago and did the youth karma yoga program.  I was 20 at the time, and it really opened my up being there, and set me on a path of self discovery.  I am grateful!

56. To keep the work of offering Light alive!

57. Let’s do it!

58. In Memory of Samantha J Walker.

59. I also turned 50 this year, so this is my birthday gift to your 50th Birthday.  And for keeping “your” gifts affordable to all.  Love and Light to all.

60. Thank you for the wonderful space while I was young to learn about life in a new way.  I always come back to the Teachings in my difficult times, and I am grateful to have these tools to help me!

61. A few of my reasons:  for supporting uniting body, mind, spirit; for showing the way to true self through the Teachings; for encouraging and receiving expression; for being a home to return to; for being incredibly worth it.

62. In gratitude and Light.


Donate now and add your reason in the response box below.

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3 Responses to “50 for 50 – Why I donate”

  1. Paula Richardson

    Because I know how powerful the Ashram is as a supportive space for people to connect with their true selves. And this is just what the world needs more of.

  2. ES

    -for supporting our reuniting body, mind and spirit
    -For showing a way to our true self through the teachings
    – For encouraging and receiving expression
    – For being incredibly worth it!
    -For providing people of all ages the opportunity to live in community

  3. Terri Taylor

    Many of the above… most particularly, to support the Work and to express gratitude.


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