Creativity as Spiritual Practice

premanandaSwami Premananda recently completed a charming, whimsical altar using mahogany and maple that he brought with him decades ago, and birch that was logged and milled at the Ashram.

“The entire time I worked on this altar I felt very connected to Swami Radha,” said Swami Premananda. “It brought back memories of the various projects we collaborated on – the bird feeders, Krishna’s cradle, the Temple doors.”

“Shaping the wood, polishing it, considering the design elements were all moments of reflection and refinement. My day-to-day work is more functional and practical. Creating the altar allowed me to express finer feelings through a fixed medium. It was also inspiring to make something pleasing that now holds a precious image. This work was my spiritual practice over the last few months.”

Today the altar is at Many Mansions supporting the beautiful Maha-Tara who recently returned from Vancouver.


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