Swami Jyotihananda – A Sanyasi on Sanyas

sw-jyotihananda“I am a swami because I love Swami Radha. When I first met her she related to me as though I were already manifesting my potential when I didn’t even know I had potential! It was a tremendous experience to be treated with such respect by someone I respected. And as I practiced the Divine Light Invocation, I fell in love with the Light. I feel that the Light brought me to her.

I also became a swami because I was inspired by my friends who were courageous and took the step before me. It is a wonderful thing to see people move courageously towards their own Light, as if they are beckoning and saying, ‘Come on, you can do it!’

And I say to all of you, ‘Come on, you can do it! Take the next step – whatever that is for you.'”

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