Different Ways of Being at the Ashram

satyadevThe Ashram offers a variety of programs – from weekend courses to longer-term residencies. This year we welcome six YDC graduates who are participating in the residency program for periods ranging from three months to two years.

Fresh from last year’s YDC, Judith Grob has returned from the Netherlands to start a two-year commitment. Judith completed her book reports and teacher training so is teaching as well as contributing Karma Yoga. Her Toronto YDC colleague, Anna

Di Pede is an essential member of the Communications team and has committed to a one-year stay. Joanne Bellanger, founder of Radha Centre Cranbrook, recently sold her bookstore and is living her dream of being in community for the next year. Karin Scarth from Victoria is back to help teach the YDC – extending her in-depth self- study to four months. Satyadev (pictured above) offers many helpful skills and plans to complete his book reports during his eight-month stay. Niall McKenna accompanies his wife who is taking the YDC; he is covering IT while our usual techie also takes the course.

Each committed person adds spark to the diversity and strength of the Ashram; and by giving back they receive their own rewards. Yogis in action!

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